Sunday, August 7, 2011

Never Liked Cats Until Now

I've always been super wary of cats, my first sentence was "Kitty bites," but this little guy is more puppy than minion of the dark side...he's going to turn me into a cat lover.

...and he's still working on growing into his ears.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Driveway Guardian

Pinga as the Driveway Guardian

Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's a Doggy-Dog World

As you can see, I've become slightly obsessed with digital analog programs. After taking thousands and thousands of pictures, and knowing exactly how each will turn out, it's really fun to throw caution to the wind and get images that are overblown, blurry, and not perfectly composed.


She's blind as a bat but she's very intently "looking" at something...


Pinga and his favorite toy, an old pipe cleaner he found in the garage.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ink Drop V

Teal Ink in Water

Ink Drop IV: Purple Pride

Purple Ink in Water

Ink Drop II

Blue Ink in Water

Ink Drop III

Red Ink in Water

Ink Drop

Orange Ink in Water

Parker Dam Panorama

Parker Dam, California

Whittier College Panorama

Whittier College, Whittier, CA

Turnbull Canyon Panorama

Turnbull Canyon, Whittier, CA

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Photo Labs Are Still in Business

Hi all,

For those of you wondering what the hell happened to my "picture a day" endeavor, don't fret, it's still a work in progress. The reason for the atrocious lag in uploading is quite simple, I switched to film. Not only did I switch to a film camera but, it's a film camera circa 1950...I'll give you a second to realize the technical difficulties that abound when shooting with a camera that's over 60 years old....

So, not only have I had to learn how to use this camera but, I've also been stubborn enough to insist on scanning the processed film myself. Thanks to my school's camera lab, I have a very nice medium format film scanner at my disposal. The catch? Well, I've been scanning film for two hours now and only have 6 pictures to show for it.

To cut a long story short, film photography is amazing. It requires a totally different level of technicality and patience but, is completely worth once you have actual images to show for it. However, scanning film is not so great. If you can look past the clunky programs for "at-home" scanners and the dexterity required to load the film without touching it then you're good to go...just be forewarned that you can only scan one image at a time. One. That's it. For a shutter bug like me, who routinely takes hundreds of pictures, this part is torture.

So, if you like shooting film and you want digital copies of your images take it to a photo lab. Yes they'll charge you more for a disc but, who really wants to spend hours scanning a single roll of film? In the future I'll be taking my film to the photo lab to be processed and scanned. That way I don't have to spend my life in front of a scanner and I get to help out all those "Mom & Pop" photo labs that I deserted when I went digital. Win-win!

Pictures are coming soon, just bear with me

Monday, February 28, 2011

Project 365: February 28


Project 365: February 27

Desert Plant

Project 365: February 26

Taking Pictures of Taking Pictures

Project 365: February 25

Broken Glass

Project 365: February 24


Project 365: February 23

Rainy Days Ahead

Project 365: February 22

Note: Another one from Fernando, I love the color.

Project 365: February 21


Project 365: February 20

Cubism on Steroids
Note: This is another one Fernando took because I'm a overwhelmed Econ major...

Project 365: February 19

Soft Focus

Project 365: February 17

Wildflower Brilliance

Project 365: February 16


Project 365: February 15

If Looks Could Kill
Note: So, this week was really, really busy. I hade a 125 page econometrics paper that I needed to turn into a ten minute PowerPoint and my senior presentation that I needed to prepare...which means that I wasn't able to take pictures every single day. Therefore, Fernando took this one...and it's really, really creepy.

Project 365: February 14

Cherry Blossom

Project 365: February 13

Did I Mention It Was My Birthday?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Project 365: February 12

Dial Tone

Project 365: February 11

RicohFlex circa 1950
Note: I found this camera ten years ago in my grandmother's trunk. As a birthday present to myself I had the lenses realigned and am now trying to learn how to use it, I'll have to see how the first role turns out.

Project 365: February 10

Busy Little Bumblebee

Project 365: February 9

Work in Progress
Note: This is the trial run for a photography project that I'm working on this semester. It's messy and frustrating but hopefully it will pan out.

Project 365: February 8

Lighted Angles

Project 365: February 7

Chocolate Bailey's Cupcake

Project 365: February 6

Manly Cupcake
Note: For Superbowl Sunday I decided that cupcakes were in order...manly cupcakes. More specifically, Maple Bacon Cupcakes.

Project 365: February 5

Friendly Warmth

Project 365: February 4

Bag of Tricks

Project 365: February 3

Concrete Subdivision

Project 365: February 2

Berry Red

Project 365: February 1

Sunny Disposition
Note: Our hillside is covered with these flowers which I absolutely love. Be prepared to see many more pictures of them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011