Monday, February 28, 2011

Project 365: February 28


Project 365: February 27

Desert Plant

Project 365: February 26

Taking Pictures of Taking Pictures

Project 365: February 25

Broken Glass

Project 365: February 24


Project 365: February 23

Rainy Days Ahead

Project 365: February 22

Note: Another one from Fernando, I love the color.

Project 365: February 21


Project 365: February 20

Cubism on Steroids
Note: This is another one Fernando took because I'm a overwhelmed Econ major...

Project 365: February 19

Soft Focus

Project 365: February 17

Wildflower Brilliance

Project 365: February 16


Project 365: February 15

If Looks Could Kill
Note: So, this week was really, really busy. I hade a 125 page econometrics paper that I needed to turn into a ten minute PowerPoint and my senior presentation that I needed to prepare...which means that I wasn't able to take pictures every single day. Therefore, Fernando took this one...and it's really, really creepy.

Project 365: February 14

Cherry Blossom

Project 365: February 13

Did I Mention It Was My Birthday?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Project 365: February 12

Dial Tone

Project 365: February 11

RicohFlex circa 1950
Note: I found this camera ten years ago in my grandmother's trunk. As a birthday present to myself I had the lenses realigned and am now trying to learn how to use it, I'll have to see how the first role turns out.

Project 365: February 10

Busy Little Bumblebee

Project 365: February 9

Work in Progress
Note: This is the trial run for a photography project that I'm working on this semester. It's messy and frustrating but hopefully it will pan out.

Project 365: February 8

Lighted Angles

Project 365: February 7

Chocolate Bailey's Cupcake

Project 365: February 6

Manly Cupcake
Note: For Superbowl Sunday I decided that cupcakes were in order...manly cupcakes. More specifically, Maple Bacon Cupcakes.

Project 365: February 5

Friendly Warmth

Project 365: February 4

Bag of Tricks

Project 365: February 3

Concrete Subdivision

Project 365: February 2

Berry Red

Project 365: February 1

Sunny Disposition
Note: Our hillside is covered with these flowers which I absolutely love. Be prepared to see many more pictures of them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Project 365: January 31


Project 365: January 30


Project 365: January 29

Waking Up in Vegas
Pictured: Neiman and Fernando F.

Project 365: January 28

Italian Impostor

Project 365: January 27


Project 365: January 26

Shadowed Profile
Pictured: Karina J.

Project 365: January 25

Graflex Crown
Pictured: William R.

Project 365: January 24

Eskimo Kiss
Pictured: Fernando F. and Rachel B.

Project 365: January 23

River's End