Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Photo Labs Are Still in Business

Hi all,

For those of you wondering what the hell happened to my "picture a day" endeavor, don't fret, it's still a work in progress. The reason for the atrocious lag in uploading is quite simple, I switched to film. Not only did I switch to a film camera but, it's a film camera circa 1950...I'll give you a second to realize the technical difficulties that abound when shooting with a camera that's over 60 years old....

So, not only have I had to learn how to use this camera but, I've also been stubborn enough to insist on scanning the processed film myself. Thanks to my school's camera lab, I have a very nice medium format film scanner at my disposal. The catch? Well, I've been scanning film for two hours now and only have 6 pictures to show for it.

To cut a long story short, film photography is amazing. It requires a totally different level of technicality and patience but, is completely worth once you have actual images to show for it. However, scanning film is not so great. If you can look past the clunky programs for "at-home" scanners and the dexterity required to load the film without touching it then you're good to go...just be forewarned that you can only scan one image at a time. One. That's it. For a shutter bug like me, who routinely takes hundreds of pictures, this part is torture.

So, if you like shooting film and you want digital copies of your images take it to a photo lab. Yes they'll charge you more for a disc but, who really wants to spend hours scanning a single roll of film? In the future I'll be taking my film to the photo lab to be processed and scanned. That way I don't have to spend my life in front of a scanner and I get to help out all those "Mom & Pop" photo labs that I deserted when I went digital. Win-win!

Pictures are coming soon, just bear with me