Friday, October 9, 2009

Disney Concert Hall

Disney Concert Hall in Downtown Los Angeles. Shot in HDR in June, 2009.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pompeii, Italy

This is from our day trip to Pompeii in Italy. The city was completely buried by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and remained preserved under nearly 60 feet of ash for 1,700 years. Today, a large majority has been excavated and open to the public.
Taken in Pompeii, Italy in January, 2009.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Piazza Navona

This is the Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy. If anyone has read Dan Brown's Angels and Demons the fountain in the background with the obelisk is the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi and it is one of the locations in the book. The church is the Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone. Shot in January, 2009.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Roman Forum

The Roman Forum in Rome, Italy. Shot in January, 2009.

Campo de Fiore

This is the farmer's market in the Campo de Fiore in Rome, right outside our hotel. It's there everyday and a was a great place to get fresh fruit, veggies, and olive oil :) Shot in Rome, Italy in January, 2009.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


This is a shot of Corinth as seen from a set of ruins. This was the last site we visited in Greece and after 25 days of visiting ruins in Europe you start to forget what you are looking at. I remember Corinth because we actually tried to climb to the top. As you can tell, it was already pretty overcast, but up on the mountain it was actually raining. Combine that with worn cobblestones and winds strong enough to buffet me around, well it was pretty treacherous. I eventually turned back. I would've loved to have seen the view from the top, but at the time I was too tired and didn't want to risk bodily injury to myself or my camera. Oh well, that just gives me an excuse to go back. Shot in January, 2009.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Citadel of Mycanea

This is the Citadel of Mycanea in Greece. We really didn't do much here, so I don't have an awesome anecdote about the history of the place. It was just another site that we wandered through for an hour. We did adventure down a tunnel in the side of the hill. We thought it would go somewhere, but no, it was just dark, slippery, and a total dead-end. Shot in January, 2009.

Friday, July 31, 2009

This is from Delphi, Greece, where the oracles sat all day inhaling noxious fumes and prophetizing. It's really a beautiful place especially now that many of the treasuries are gone and the hill is covered in grass. I am well aware that the shot is slightly crooked, but honestly, it's a little hard to find firm footing when you're climbing over ruins all day. Shot in January, 2009.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Argive Heraion II

Clouds are absolutely amazing looking when shot in HDR. This is another picture of the Argive Heraion, but I mostly included it because I thought the clouds looked cool. I probably took hundreds of pictures of clouds in Greece, we don't get clouds like that here in SoCal...there just isn't enough moisture. Shot in January, 2009.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nauplion, Greece II

There's only one way into the city of Nauplion, Greece and that is through this tunnel. I shot it right as the sun was disappearing so the lighting isn't great, but I love the look of the coblestone street and bike leaning up against the side. Shot in January, 2009.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nauplion, Greece

This is the view from our hotel in Nauplion, Greece. The hotel was actually one of the highest point in the city because everything is built on a hill. Shot in January, 2009.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Athens, Greece

A view of Athens, Greece. We climbed to the top of a hill to get this view. Well, most of the class climbed up the hill, some of us were so worn out that we took the cable car up. However, we did take everyones jacket with us so they wouldn't have to haul it up the hill. Shot in January, 2009.

Temple of Zeus

Temple of Zeus in Athens, Greece. This was right across the street from our hotel. It seems that in Greece there are ruins on every block and around every corner. It makes for a very interesting landscape, modern buildings interspersed with ancient ruins. Shot in January, 2009.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Lovely Little Port

Here's a lovely little port in Greece where we waited for our ferry. There really isn't much to say about this place, I don't even know the name of it. We did try to find food there, but it seemed like everyone was closed for the day. There was a food cart with dusty bags of chips...yum. Shot in January, 2009.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Argive Heraion

The Argive Heraion in Greece. This was absolutely the most stunning and calming places that we visited. I could have sat on rock and stared at this until the sun went down. In fact, I did a lot of sitting on rocks and staring in Greece, it's a beautiful country. Shot in January, 2009.

Camera in Hand

So it appears you’ve found my photo blog. This is really just a place for me to post some of my favorite pictures that I’ve taken and to motivate me to take more, but I’m glad that someone besides myself will be enjoying it. Those who know me know that I rarely go anywhere without a camera – those who don’t, I truly am a photoholic.

Most of the photos here are going to be landscape or architecture, usually is HDR (High Dynamic Range). I do very few beauty shots, partly because it requires more work, more people, and more equipment. All of that means it costs more money and photography is really just something that I do for fun.

A lot of what I’m going to post won’t be in any order. I have thousands of images from a month long trip in Greece and Italy that I still need to sort through and a lot of images just sitting on hard-drives. You’ll see stuff that was shot the day it’s posted, months ago, or even years ago. I’ll let you know when (approximately) and where (to the best of my knowledge).

My tools of the trade include a Canon EOS SLR Digital, Canon Rebel Film, and a Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xti. For fun, and those times that I don’t want to haul around a big camera, I have a Canon Powershot SD780 IS. Clearly, I’m a Canon girl, but there’s a reason for that – interchangeable lenses :)