Friday, July 24, 2009

Camera in Hand

So it appears you’ve found my photo blog. This is really just a place for me to post some of my favorite pictures that I’ve taken and to motivate me to take more, but I’m glad that someone besides myself will be enjoying it. Those who know me know that I rarely go anywhere without a camera – those who don’t, I truly am a photoholic.

Most of the photos here are going to be landscape or architecture, usually is HDR (High Dynamic Range). I do very few beauty shots, partly because it requires more work, more people, and more equipment. All of that means it costs more money and photography is really just something that I do for fun.

A lot of what I’m going to post won’t be in any order. I have thousands of images from a month long trip in Greece and Italy that I still need to sort through and a lot of images just sitting on hard-drives. You’ll see stuff that was shot the day it’s posted, months ago, or even years ago. I’ll let you know when (approximately) and where (to the best of my knowledge).

My tools of the trade include a Canon EOS SLR Digital, Canon Rebel Film, and a Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xti. For fun, and those times that I don’t want to haul around a big camera, I have a Canon Powershot SD780 IS. Clearly, I’m a Canon girl, but there’s a reason for that – interchangeable lenses :)

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